RecyCOOL Academy
Discover the art of sustainability at RecyCOOL Academy!
Are you ready to embark on a journey that blends your love for fashion with a passion for positive change? Welcome to RecyCOOL Academy, your exclusive gateway to the captivating world of conscious clothing creation.
Unleash Your Creativity: Uncover the Joy of Crafting Your Own Clothes
- At RecyCOOL Academy, we believe that fashion is not just about wearing clothes; it’s about creating a statement, embracing your uniqueness, and championing sustainability. Our platform invites you to explore the art of designing and making your very own garments, allowing your creativity to flourish in an eco-friendly, fashion-forward way.
Where Fashion Meets Sustainability: Be a Part of the Solution
- Join us in our mission to revolutionize the fashion industry one stitch at a time. Delve into our carefully curated non-formal educational materials and programs that shed light on the profound impacts of fashion on our environment and society. Understand the significance of responsible production, mindful consumption, and the critical role of textile waste reduction. As a RecyCOOL advocate, you’re not just a learner—you’re a changemaker.
A Global Collaborative Initiative
- RecyCOOL Academy is the brilliant outcome of a powerful partnership between Fashion Revolution Slovakia and Nitka Slovakia. Together with our worldwide associates, we’ve created a platform that empowers you as both a conscious customer and a responsible citizen. By uniting fashion enthusiasts, eco-activists, and trendsetters, we’re shaping a brighter, more sustainable future for our planet.
Why Choose RecyCOOL Academy?
- Engaging Learning: Our educational content is anything but ordinary. We make sure learning about sustainable fashion is exciting, thought-provoking, and enjoyable.
- Empowerment: Gain the knowledge and skills to make informed fashion choices that align with your values.
- Community: Connect with a global network of like-minded individuals who are passionate about reshaping the fashion landscape.
- Actionable Insights: Discover practical solutions and actionable steps you can take to minimize your fashion footprint.
Ready to embrace fashion as a force for good? Join RecyCOOL Academy today and embark on a transformative journey towards a more stylish, sustainable, and socially responsible future. Together, let’s redefine fashion education!
Our projects

Project RecyCOOL! Let’s Stitch Up The Imperfections is an educational program devoted to current fashion industry and its impact on environment and social areas. It offers a fashion online course and manuals on how to create a fashion related events and activities. Available in English, Slovak and Czech.
Projekt RecyCOOL! Zašime nedostatky je vzdelávací program venovaný súčasnému módnemu priemyslu a jeho dopadom na životné prostredie a sociálnu sféru. Zahŕňa online kurz o móde a manuály, ako zorganizovať aktivity a podujatie venované móde.
Dostupné v angličtine, slovenčine a češtine.
Project Too RecyCOOL for School connects topics of the fashion industry and sustainability with distance learning forms of non-formal education as a response to demands of today’s world. Our clothing is everyday part of our lives, yet transparency of its production is on a worldwide scale almost non-existable, who made our clothes and what they are made of are questions with answers difficult to find.
The aim of the project is to guide young people on their way while they take responsibility for their lives in their own hands, concretely via: 1. empowering, 2. connecting and interconnecting, and 3. involving into the performance and evaluation of policies, which are influencing them.
Set of edu games used in non-formal education activities of participating organisations within RecyCOOL Academy, with a focus on the fashion industry and its impact on our world. The set of games will empower educators when educating in these topics, they can adapt games to the target group they work with. It will contribute to developing the competences of young people – knowledge, skills or attitudes.
Check our library – anything we use in our work and recommend further. Books, articles, videos, movies, podcasts… And don’t skip infographics!
RecyCOOL Academy is a platform dedicated to education about fashion and making own clothes.
Saving the world one fashion garment at time.
We create a non-formal education materials and programs about fashion industry. Our focus is on exploring impacts of the fashion production, consumption and textile waste on environment and our society, while searching for solutions as a customer and citizen.
The platform is a mutual project of Fashion Revolution Slovakia and Nitka Slovakia, both enviro and social activism organisations collaborating with partners worldwide.
RecyCOOL Academy je platforma venovaná vzdelávaniu o móde a tvorbe vlastného oblečenia.
Zachraňujeme svet po jednom módnom kúsku.
Vytvárame materiály a programy neformálneho vzdelávania o módnom priemysle. Náším zámerom je objavovať dopady odevnej výroby, konzumu a textilného odpadu na životné prostredie a našu spoločnosť, pričom hľadáme riešenia na úrovni spotrebiteľa/konzumenta a občana. Platforma je spoločným projektom Fashion Revolution Slovakia a Nitka Slovakia, obe enviro a sociálne orientované aktivistické organizácie spolupracujúce s partnermi z celého sveta.